Module 1

Information from Course Outline
Module 1, Closes Monday, 26 January
PROJECTS IN CONTEMPORARY ORGANIZATIONS: INTRODUCTION, OVERVIEW, DEFINITIONS Read Chapter 1, including the sidebars. Review Submodules 1A, 1B and 1C. Read Submodules 1D, 1E, 1F and 1G (old Closure sections showing some of the questions that have been asked in prior classes.) There is a quiz in Blackboard. Post "Getting Acquanited" information as discussed, and ask the instructor questions as directed.

We'll start with an introduction to Blackboard and get you started on that. Then a very important item, getting to know each other. We take for granted that in classroom folks somehow get to know each other. For on-line classes, we have to make a special effort at first to communicate and get to know each other a little. Then a learning module regarding Chapter 1.

Learning Modules
Submodule 1A Getting Started (Getting into Blackboard)
Submodule 1B Getting to know you
Submodule 1C Intro to Project Management 
Submodule 1D Spring 2015 Closure
Submodule 1E Spring 2010 Closure -- Spring 2008 Closure -- Spring 2006 Closure--Summer 04 Closure-- Old Closure

There are 25 points for this module's homework. 10 points for the auto-quiz you access through Blackboard, 5 points for posting your personal information to Blackboard, 5 points for the getting-to-know-you discussion, and 5 points for the message to the instructor.

Access the quiz through Blackboard, see info in Submodule 1A. A copy of the quiz is found here. All this type of quiz are open-book quizzes. Before you do this quiz, you might want to do the quiz on the Publisher's website. The directions are in your syllabus . After you do the publisher's quiz, you will be told what the right answers are. Note some of the questions are specific to case studies in the text, these questions are not so important. The other questions you should be able to get right.

Post your personal information to Blackboard, see Submodule 1B. The getting-to-know-you discussion homework is also there.

Send the instructor an email message. Write the message in Word and attach it to the email. In the message ask at least one question about the material in Module 1, and write a few lines about any problems you had accessing the material, quirks about how you browser handled the material, or point out any typo's or glitches in the material. (Be nice.) See the info in 1A about naming the file.

Generally I will try to have papers graded within a week to 10 days after they are due. Grading is subjective, but I will reward thoroughness, completeness and clarity of thought. Some students aim to master the minimum answer that gets them by. If it is a correct answer but very minimal and showing little insight, the answer will be awarded somewhere around the midrange of the available points. For group projects, I will grade based on the entire group's answers, but I will look at each individual's contributions by reviewing the postings on Blackboard. Those who were instrumental in formulating answers will be awarded the most; people who contribute minimally will get minimal scores.


I want to just take a moment to point out that the authors of our text, which is exceptionally well written, are also exceptionally clear on how they approach the field of project management. If you thought, as I once did, that project management is best described by its quantitative techniques (such as critical path networking, etc.), the authors do a very good job in broadening your perspective. It is partly quantitative, but it is also managerial, personal, and political. The human element is paramount.

One additional note is in order: your view of projects will be colored by where you are coming from. Both the authors and the Project Management Institute (PMI) look at projects through the eyes of the Project Manager. What doesn't get discussed much in our text or elsewhere is that your role as planner, or portfolio manager, or whatever, depends on the nature of the company you work for. If you work for an owner entity, as I do, the Project Manager has a different scope and perspective than a Project Manager for a construction company or an architectural/engineering firm doing business with the owner. We won't discuss this much, but bear in mind the Project Manager may play a different role in each case.

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