
Non-ionizing radiation, continued.

Most often these two fields exist together, here the electric field is E and the magnetic field is indicated by H

You recognize that this is a wave in three dimensions; it has an H amplitude and E amplitude and a wavelength. Without a time scale you do not know the period of the wave from this graph. In space (air is not too different) there is a relation between the length of the electromagnetic wave and its period. L*f = c, where c is the speed of light (cm/sec), L (usually Greek lambda) is the wave length (cm) , and f is the frequency (sec-1). So by describing either the frequency or wavelength of an electromagnetic wave, we know the other (if we remember that the speed of light in a vacuum is 3 * 1010 cm/sec, which you don't need to remember, for this course). Next is an overview of the EM spectrum. This may take a while to load.


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