Now you know some toxicology terms and concepts. Here is a web page that is the United States Code that is federal law. It can be accessed by several routes, here we go to it via a legal site "" . This is the "definitions" section of the Consumer Product Safety Act. Scroll through the document. Read the definitions of ''hazardous substance'' and "toxic" and "highly toxic." Note how there are many exceptions. For example tobacco products, which are gross health hazards and highly toxic, are excluded from the definition of "hazardous." This is for political reasons that have nothing to do with health or safety. Often, when we look at the laws, we will find that substances are excluded from one law because they come under a different law.

If you just read the definition of "toxic," about how many substances are you aware of that might be considered "toxic" under this definition. Then note the definion of "highly toxic."

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