Module 05

Closes Monday, 7 October

Submodule 5A;

LD50s, Reference Doses (non-cancer)

Understand the variability of data and some statistical process associated with the LD50, a relatively simple concept.
Know the concept of threshold vs. NOAEL and LOAEL
Understand the conservative nature of RfD system and its basis of animal models.

Submodule 5B;

Epidemiology (Cancer and non-cancer)

Understand the main types of epidemiological studies: Cohort; case controls, cross sectional
How results are expressed: Odds ratio; Standardize Mortality, relative risk
The reasons epi studies are expensive, difficult and often inconclusive
confounding factors

Submodule 5C;

Ames test, others

Describe the Ames test and what is it testing for
Implications for genetic and epigenetic carcinogens

Submodule 5D;

Animal models, Low dose extrapolations;
Weight of Evidence Classification

Understand the difficulty and expense of animal testing, consequent limitations.
What is MTD?
Methods of low dose extrapolations
Limitations, still animals
EPA WoE and other, similar systems. Uncertainties.

Submodule 5E

Ames Paper, others

Why are there so many animal carcinogens?

Module 05 Index