Alternative Project Delivery Systems for Governments in Alaska
November 18, 2015, Fairbanks, Alaska
Agenda with links to presentations and bio-sketch of presenters.
8:00 – 8:15 Coffee and Social
8:15 – 8:30 Welcome and Introductions. Review of Project Delivery Systems and Contracting Methods (282 kb pptx file)
Dr. Robert A Perkins, PE, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UAF
8:30 – 9:15 Job Order Contracting, Air Force SABER (21 mb pptx file)
Capt. Christopher Edlund, Engineering Flight Commander, 354 Civil Engineer Squadron, Eielson AFB
9:15 – 9:45 Bush Construction, Quality Control (714 kb pdf file)
(Dr.) Paul Perreault, PE, UAF
9:45 – 10:00 Break
10:00 – 11:00 Emergency contracting, force account, FEMA and FHWA emphasis (5 mb pdf file)
Clark Milne, PE, DOWL
11:00-11:30 Legal
Mike Kramer, Kramer and Associates
11:30-12:00 Rural Alaska Contracting (6.7 mb pptx file)
Katrina Lee Monta, UAF ESM student
12:00 – 1:15 Lunch served
ASCE meeting, Ed Yarmak, Arctic Foundations
1:00 – 1:45 Design Build (1.5 mb pptx file)
Michael Gaulke, P.E., S.E., Assistant Chief, Design Branch, Alaska Engineer District, US Army Corps of Engineers
Paul R. Schneider, P.E., Assistant Area Engineer & Chief, Northern Office Engineering, Engineering and Construction Division, Alaska Engineer District, US Army Corps of Engineers
1:45 – 2:15 GC/CM Vertical by DOT & PF (10.9 mb pptx file)
Dave Kemp, P.E., PMP, Director of Statewide Public Facilities and Tribal Relations Liaison
Scott Davis, Kiewit Building Group
2:15 – 2:45 GC/CM Vertical by UAF
Mike Ruckhaus, PE, UAF Facilities Design and Construction
Cameron Wohlford, PE, UAF Facilities Design and Construction
2:45-3:15 GC/CM DOT Horizontal (2.2 mb pptx file)
Lauren Little, P.E., Project Manager (Design/Preconstruction)
Michael Lund, P.E., Project Manager (Construction)
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30 – 4:30 Discussions
Rural Projects, Katrina Lee Monta
Quality Control under the various systems, Jerry Pehrson
Claims under the various systems, Matt Cryer
4:30 Wind up, certificates, evaluation