Sub-module 8, page 4



The Dose-Response relationship is determined by the science of toxicology. You learned the basics of that in Submodule 1E.

Risk Characterization and the Risk Assessment Process:

We'll finish up with some ready-made material from the US Department of Energy. The DOE is the US largest owner of hazardous and toxic waste. Consequently they have put a lot of material on their web site. The reason is that for the purposes of public involvement, they want to be able to present an explanation of their procedures. Most of what you see here is analogous to the standard EPA Superfund terminology. I'll guide you via links here to save you time. Use your BACK button to return.

First "What is a risk assessment," a cartoon overview of the process. Overview.

Then follow the links from "What are the steps of a risk assessment?"

Tutorial. Here is a tutorial that is in fact a software program. RAIS Tutorial. From the screens you can fall in a little deeper than you need to, but you can get a good overview. In module 3 be sure to look at the "graphical conceptual site model." Look at all seven modules, you can play with the dropdown menus, but I don't recommend spending too much time with them.

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