Prepared By:

James R. Martin, CIH

Martin Consulting



December 8, 1994

Last Revision: September 2000


Note: I plan to periodically improve this manual. If you are interested in being notified when a revision is complete, please send me a note to that effect, and I will e-mail you notification. Thanks.

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2. SCOPE *


























This manual is for the prevention, recognition, evaluation, and control of indoor environmental quality problems. It contains information on common sources of problems, methods for conducting indoor environmental quality investigations, and possible solutions. Also included is technical information related to indoor environmental quality problems that may be useful during indoor environmental quality investigations.


  1. SCOPE

This manual is primarily intended for use as guidance for health and safety personnel. It can also serve as a reference for facility managers.

This is a best practices guideline and not a required program. However, certain sections are based on standards that are mandatory.

This manual contains information with emphases on indoor air quality concerns. Building occupants may report health problems in response to other environmental quality (non-air quality) factors such as lighting and noise. These factors should be considered in an indoor environmental quality investigation, but the related technical information is not included in this manual.

As with any guidance material, Martin Consulting does not warrant results from the use of this information. The involvement of qualified and experienced personnel is recommended whenever occupants report health effect symptoms that are suspected to be associated with the indoor building environment.

This manual is not designed to address indoor radon or asbestos concerns. These potential contaminants are not irritants or acute toxins, and are therefore not normally of concern in reported building-related illness or sick building syndrome. Radon information is summarized in Appendix A.




ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. A professional society of governmental and academic industrial hygienists devoted to the development of administrative and technical aspects of worker health protection.

 Allergenic Substances: Substances that are capable of inducing an allergy.

 ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

 Building-Related Illness : Describes specific medical conditions of known etiology which can be documented by physical signs and laboratory findings. Such illnesses include sensory irritation when caused by known agents, respiratory allergies, asthma, nosocomial infections, humidifier fever, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, Legionnaires' disease, and the signs and symptoms characteristic of exposure to chemical substances such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and pesticides or biological substances such as endotoxins, or mycotoxins.

 Bioaerosols: Airborne particles, large molecules, or volatile compounds that are (or were) living or were released from living organisms.

 CO2: Carbon dioxide, produced by human respiration; a concentration greater than 800 - l000 ppm is considered a possible indication of inadequate outdoor air ventilation (see details including comparison with outdoor concentration).

 CO: Carbon monoxide, a product of incomplete combustion.

 Finishing Materials: Materials added to a new building near its completion (e.g., carpeting, partitions...).

 HVAC: Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, the total air handling system for supplying and removing conditioned air to the work space.

 IAQ: Indoor Air Quality, the term generally used to refer to chemical, physical and biological characteristics of indoor air which can affect the comfort or health of the occupants.

Industrial Hygienist: A professional qualified by education, training, and experience to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and develop controls for occupational health hazards.

 NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

SBS: Sick Building Syndrome, a term used to describe non-specific symptoms of discomfort and ill health, such as eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, unspecified allergies, nausea, fatigue, skin rashes and other similar complaints. The symptoms are general and subjective and may be indicative of other medical conditions.

 Shall: "Shall" is used in this document to refer to requirements that are considered to be essential for an effective IAQ program or they are required by referenced standards. However, recommendations in this manual that are not required by referenced standards are not mandatory. Users of this manual are expected to apply judgment as to the need or sufficiency of these recommendations based on local conditions.

 Should: "Should" is used in this document to refer to recommendations that should be considered. These are based on best practices but may not always be practical.

TBS: Tight Building Syndrome, similar to SBS and presumably related to a tight building envelope for energy conservation.

VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds. A ubiquitous class of indoor pollutants that originate from pressed wood products, insulation, adhesives, textiles, and paints. Examples include formaldehyde, and chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons.



4.1 Major IAQ Problems

Major problems identified in indoor air quality investigations can be placed into three general categories listed with generally decreasing frequency: inadequate ventilation, chemical contamination, and microbiological contamination.

Inadequate ventilation is the single most common contributing cause for IAQ complaints. Generally, ventilation problems allow contaminant build-up in occupied spaces to a level that is considered annoying or uncomfortable for some building occupants. Adverse health effects may result for the more sensitive occupants.

Major IAQ problems are often caused by more than one condition. The IAQ investigator should consider the possibility of two or three conditions that may be causing the reported problem(s) due to their occurrence together. For example, a slight negative pressure in an office, near a room containing a chemical process with a small leak in a process line, combined with an inadequate supply of outside air ventilation may cause the office occupants to report an unusual odor (actual case circumstances).


4.2 Health Symptoms and Signs

 SBS symptoms include: headache, dizziness, eye irritation, dry throat, nose irritation, skin irritation, sinus congestion, cough, sneezing, shortness of breath, nausea, and fatigue.

 Usually the symptoms are general, subjective, and similar to many other medical conditions.

 Contact lenses are often difficult to wear in buildings implicated in SBS, particularly if an airborne irritant is involved.

These signs and symptoms are rarely associated with objective clinical findings. In order to be regarded as SBS, the attack rate is generally greater than 20% of the population, there should be some commonality among the symptoms, and a clear temporal association between symptoms and building occupancy should be apparent.

Three indicators that the reported health problems may be associated with the building IAQ are:

  (1) Symptoms worsen during the work day.

  (2) Symptoms disappear shortly after leaving work

  (3) Symptoms disappear over the weekend

Appendix B contains a matrix of some major causes of SBS and typical symptoms associated with them.


4.3 Possible Causative Agents

 Physical agents:

  (1) Temperature

(2) Humidity

Chemical agents

  (1) Carbon Monoxide (CO)

(2) Formaldehyde

(3) Volatile Organic Compounds

(4) Cigarette Smoke

(5) Particulates

(6) Pesticides

(7) Ammonia-like odors

Microbiological agents

  (1) Bacteria

(2) Fungi

Other sources: mites, pollen, algae, insects, animal dander, and bird droppings.



5.1 Common IAQ problems

In IAQ investigations completed by NIOSH (Reference 14), problems were found to result from;

 • inadequate ventilation in 52% of the cases,

• contamination from inside the building in 16%,

• contaminants brought in from outside the building in 10%,

• microbiological contaminants in 5%, and

• building material contamination in 4% of the cases.

The remaining 13% represent those investigations where no problem could be identified. This prevalence information is somewhat dated but the approximate relative frequency of identified problems associated with IAQ investigations is comparable to professional field experience familiar to the author of this manual.

CAUTION: Care should be taken to approach each IAQ investigation independently; previously reported experiences should not be used as a starting hypothesis for an IAQ investigation (i.e., at the beginning, do not assume the cause is inadequate ventilation). This caution holds true for suspected causes of a reported health effect symptoms. In other words, if an occupant, facility personnel, or someone else states that they think the health symptoms are associated with one factor, do not assume they are correct. Keep an objective attitude and evaluate the suspected factor as well as all other appropriate factors.


5.1.1 Inadequate Ventilation

 ASHRAE standards are generally accepted by industry and U.S. government agencies as a basis for evaluating building ventilation. ASHRAE standard 62-1999 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (Reference 1), and ASHRAE standard 55-1992 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy (Reference 2) are both frequently referenced. Ventilation problems commonly encountered include: 

(1) Not enough fresh outdoor air supplied to the office space.

(2) Poor air distribution and mixing which causes stratification, draftiness, and pressure differences between office spaces

 (3) Temperature and humidity extremes or fluctuations (sometimes caused by poor air distribution or faulty thermostats)

 (4) Air filtration problems caused by improper or a complete lack of maintenance to the building ventilation system.

 In many cases, ventilation problems are created or enhanced by certain energy conservation measures applied in the operation of the building ventilation. These include reducing or eliminating outdoor air; reducing infiltration and exfiltration; lowering thermostats or economizer cycles in winter, raising them in summer; eliminating humidification or dehumidification systems; and early afternoon shut-down and late morning start-up of ventilation systems.


5.1.2 Contamination From Inside A Building

Potential contamination sources from inside a building include:

(1) Dry ink copying machines

(2) Wet copying machines

a. Methyl or ethyl alcohol from spirit duplicators

b. Butyl methacrylate from signature machines

c. Ammonia and acetic acid from blueprint copiers

(3) Pesticides improperly selected or applied

(4) Boiler additives such as diethyl ethanolamine (dermatitis)

(5) Cleaning agents, such as rug shampoo, improperly diluted

(6) Tobacco smoke

(7) Combustion gases from sources common to cafeterias and laboratories

(8) Cross-contamination from poorly ventilated sources that leak into other air handling zones

(9) Food products from microwave ovens

(10) Sewer gas from dry p-traps.


5.1.3 Contamination From Outside The Building

Potential contamination sources from outside a building include:

(1) Motor vehicle exhaust

(2) Boiler gases

(3) Cafeteria odors

(4) Previously exhausted air

(5) Gasoline vapors infiltrating the basement or sewage system

(6) Contaminants from construction or renovation projects such as asphalt, solvents, and dusts

(7) Animal infestations (fecal matter) or dead animals in crawlspaces

The first four contamination sources listed above are usually caused by reentrainment of outdoor air. They are normally the result of improperly located exhaust and intake vents or unusual wind conditions.

One of the most common sources of outside contamination has been vehicle exhaust from parking garages being drawn into a building ventilation system. Gasoline vapors infiltrating a basement may also be caused by gasoline from leaking underground storage tanks.


5.1.4 Microbiological Contamination

Microbiological contamination in buildings is a common and sometimes serious problem in climates with high humidity climates, such as Florida and other southern U.S. states. Microbiological contamination is not as common in environments with low relative humidity (approximately less than 40%). However, microbiological contamination can be present within buildings in any climate and should be seriously considered as part of the IAQ investigation. Microbiological contamination in buildings is often a function of moisture incursion from sources such as rain water, stagnant water in HVAC air distribution systems (e.g. condensation drip pans), and cooling towers.

In most cases, visible evidence of fungal growth is usually enough evidence to sufficiently determine that microbiological contamination of the building exists. Microbial sampling may be required to show that the suspecting source has become airborne. If you are considering sampling for microorganisms, you should discuss it with an Industrial Hygienist familiar with microbiology and related sampling methods, or the IAQ Program Manager. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Bioaerosols, Assessment and Control (Reference 5) and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Field Guide for the Determination of Biological Contaminants in Environmental Samples (Reference 22) are useful references relating to potential microbiological contamination.

Although there are few established guidelines or established threshold levels, elevated concentrations of microbes that are found within building environments (as compared to the outside) deserve or warrant additional attention. For fungi, the same relative distribution of spore types is usually found in the indoor and outdoor environments with the indoor concentrations averaging approximately 30 to 80% of the outdoor concentration at the time of sampling.

Prevention through the elimination of water intrusion, standing water and water treatment are the best controls for microbiological contamination. Appendix C contains additional information on the subject.


5.1.5 Contamination From Building Materials And Products

Potential contamination sources from building materials and products include:

 (1) Formaldehyde off-gassing from:

      1. Urea-formaldehyde foam insulation

      2. Particle board

      3. Plywood

      4. Some glues and adhesives commonly used during construction

      5. Furniture fabric treatments such as anti-static and flame retardants

(2) Fibrous glass erosion in lined ventilating ducts

(3) Various organic solvents from glues and adhesives

(4) Paints and lacquers

(5) Acetic acid used as a curing agent in silicone caulking

(6) Particles from deteriorated filters


5.1.6 Odors

Odors are often associated with chemical contaminants from inside or outside an office space, or from building materials. The odors may aid in source identification. In most cases, these chemical contaminants can be measured at levels above ambient levels (normal background) but far below any existing occupational evaluation criteria.


5.2 Psychosocial Considerations

In some cases, reported IAQ problems may be caused, or escalated, by psychosocial factors. Examples and general guidelines for dealing with psychosocial and organizational factors are provided in Appendix D.

Employees may report common symptoms that could be caused by numerous non-work-related illnesses. In other cases, symptoms reported may be so unusual as to appear bizarre. However, no matter what the complaints or symptoms, they should be received in a calm, professional manner, conveying concern and acceptance of their genuineness.

The initial goal is to approach the complaints with an open mind. The person's concerns should be taken seriously. Dismissal of the problem as insignificant or trivial will likely lead to feelings of anger and rejection. Also, uncertainties associated with the causes and symptoms of SBS make it difficult to ignore or minimize an employee's complaints, particularly in the first stages of the investigation.


5.3 Evaluation Techniques For IAQ Investigations

Figure 1 is a flow diagram outlining the major steps of a typical IAQ investigation. Each IAQ investigation may deviate from the steps illustrated in the flow diagram depending on actual site conditions and investigation circumstances. Sections 5.4 through 5.5 explain the steps of a typical IAQ investigation.


5.4 Preliminary Investigation

The first step in a typical IAQ investigation is a preliminary investigation. This consists of collecting information from the person(s) who reported the IAQ concern. It also includes a building inspection and the collection of information about the building during a walk-through survey. Monitoring instruments are often not used during the preliminary investigation except for direct reading instruments such as a temperature/relative humidity meter, carbon dioxide meter or a Draeger pump/tube.

Area supervisor and facility health services personnel should be notified by the Industrial Hygienist in advance of the preliminary investigation. The plans for the investigation should be described to the supervisor so that he/she understands what is involved and why. The Industrial Hygienist should let the supervisor know that the findings of the investigation, if any, will be reported to the supervisor, verbally and in a written summary report.

Employee interviews are critical to characterize the nature of the reported problem(s) and to identify possible explanations. These interviews should be conducted informally and in a calm, professional manner. Start by introducing yourself and your qualifications for IAQ work. Let them know that you will be taking a serious and objective look at the reported problem(s), and that you will let them know what you find. Be sure to tell them that the problem(s) may not necessarily be related to the building environment but that you will be thoroughly investigating the possibility and you will let them know what your findings and conclusions are. Open communication with employees and management is important to control employee fears and avoid potential hysteria. Personal information collected during interviews should be treated as strictly confidential. Employees with health complaints should be referred to health services personnel if they have not already reported their symptoms.

A walk-through survey of the building is important to 1) assess the overall condition of the building, 2) quickly identify any source(s) which may have been overlooked by building occupants and the Facility Manager, and 3) to determine that systems are functioning properly. Other environmental quality factors such as lighting and noise should be considered as possible sources of the reported problem(s). Also, look for evidence of poor sanitation (such as accessible food waste).

The walk-though survey will normally require access to the ventilation system. Consultation with an engineer or maintenance mechanic, and "as-built" drawings are often helpful to quickly understand how the ventilation system was designed to operate and what types of maintenance have been performed. Involving engineering and maintenance personnel in the investigation may expedite the investigation and corrective actions.

Findings from the preliminary investigation should be reported to the area supervision, health services personnel and the concerned employees. This information is best reported verbally first so that involved personnel are quickly informed and corrective actions may be taken as soon as possible. A written summary of the investigation will be necessary to document the details of the investigation, investigation findings, conclusions and recommended corrective actions, if any.

At this stage of the evaluation, it is quite possible that specific problems such as non-functioning ventilation equipment, poor temperature control, etc... will become evident as explanations for the problem(s). If this is the case, the problem(s) should be corrected before the evaluation continues unless the correction cannot be implemented quickly.

In other instances the cause or causes of an IAQ problem may not be so easily determined and an advanced investigation may be necessary.


5.5 Advanced Investigation

5.5.1 Temperature, Relative Humidity and Carbon Dioxide

Field measurements are often performed at this point in the IAQ investigation to measure temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide levels especially if there are climate comfort complaints or any indications of an inadequate outdoor air supply. Appendix E contains additional information on temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide.

(1) To minimize employee complaints of discomfort, winter air temperatures should be between 68 - 75 ฐF, and summer temperatures should be between 73 - 79 ฐF. Most people find a temperature range of 72 ฐF + 2 ฐF to be most comfortable. Reference 2 provides more information on thermal comfort. (These ranges are based on an assumed relative humidity of 50 %. See Reference 2 for more details.)

(2) If the relative humidity in occupied spaces is greater than approximately 60%, the growth of allergenic or pathogenic organisms may be stimulated. Relative humidity in buildings with mechanical cooling systems should be less than 60%.

Humidity levels below 20 - 30% are also associated with increased discomfort, eye irritation and drying of the mucous membranes.

(3) Typical outdoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations are 300 - 400 parts per million (ppm). Consideration and comparison with the outdoor carbon dioxide concentration must also be performed. Carbon dioxide concentration measurements alone are not sufficient to conclude that problems exist with the building ventilation. However, this information is often important in consideration with other investigation findings. Indoor carbon dioxide concentrations greater than 800 - 1000 parts per million (ppm) frequently indicate insufficient outdoor air ventilation, based on professional experience. The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, (ASHRAE 62-1999) specifies an indoor to outdoor differential carbon dioxide concentration not greater than about 700 ppm to likely satisfy comfort (odor) criteria related to human bioeffluents,

Your decision to take further action will be determined by what you have found during the investigation surveys and sampling. The following conditions represent some of the possible general trends and recommendations for follow-up that have been identified by NIOSH based on CO2 monitoring.

(1) Situation: Initial CO2 readings inside the building are similar to outside readings (about 350 ppm). During the day there are a few rises and falls, but by quitting time readings are still close to initial readings.

Interpretation: This suggests that fresh air intake is sufficient. Perhaps the first approach to improving the livability of the building will be to look at temperature and humidity, and check for imbalances in the ventilation system.


(2) Situation: Initial CO2 readings inside the building are similar to outside readings. During the day levels rise and are definitely elevated by the close of work.

Interpretation: This suggests that the outdoor air supply may not be sufficient during the hours the building is occupied.


(3) Situation: Initial CO2 readings inside the building are appreciably higher than outside readings.

Interpretation: This may simply be due to the shutdown of the ventilating system when the building is unoccupied, or it may be due to under ventilation which will require increasing the amount of outdoor air.


5.5.2 HVAC System Evaluation

The heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system should be evaluated to determine the actual amount of outdoor air supply being delivered to the building areas of concern. The HVAC system must provide at least the minimum outside air ventilation rate, based on actual occupancy, required by the building code, mechanical code, or ventilation code applicable at the time the facility was constructed, renovated, or remodeled, whichever is most recent. The target outdoor air supply in a typical office environment should be at least 20 cubic feet per minute (CFM, 10 liters per second) per person throughout the occupied zone at all times the building is in use. Appendix F provides ventilation guidelines for buildings with intermittent or variable occupancies.

Check the "as-built" drawings and specifications to determine the design criteria and then estimate or measure the actual outdoor air supply. It is particularly important to ensure ventilation rates are measured when economizers are providing the minimum amount of outdoor air. Check the position of damper controls at different times of each day. It may be necessary to perform air flow and/or tracer gas measurements. One fairly simple method of measuring the actual outdoor air supply is use air temperature measurements in the outdoor air (OA), supply air (SA) and the return air (RA) and calculate the approximate outdoor air supply as follows;

Percent Outdoor Air = [(RA - SA)/(RA - OA)] * 100

However, it should be noted there are inherent errors involved in these temperature measurements and the accuracy of the result is very sensitive to small errors in measurement especially when there is only a small difference between the outdoor and return air temperature (Reference 23).

 A similar calculation can be performed utilizing carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Details of these techniques are beyond the scope of this manual. An Industrial Hygienist with advanced ventilation evaluation experience can provide guidance for air supply evaluations. Reference 12 provides good information for this type of work.

Poor mixing is another potential ventilation problem sometimes found when air is delivered and returned through ceiling diffusers or when there have been substantial interior design changes without consideration for ventilation. Standard smoke tubes, and temperature and CO2 measurements at one foot and seven foot heights above the floor may be useful techniques to evaluate stratification resulting from poor mixing. Caution: The smoke from titanium tetrachloride or stannic chloride tubes can be very irritating to occupants so make sure occupants are not in the area when using irritant smoke tubes.

Air velocity should be 30 to 50 linear feet per minute at each workstation when practical.


5.5.3 Air Monitoring

Additional evaluation including air monitoring for suspect contaminants may be necessary. Air sampling as part of an IAQ investigation is generally not recommended unless the investigation findings indicate a suspect contaminant or a class of contaminants (such as irritants) and the presence of the contaminant(s) cannot be determined by the building survey. Air sampling for the sake of performing air sampling, or because building occupants want air sampling, should be avoided when possible because the collected data is unlikely to be of value and the sampling techniques required for the collection of low concentrations of contaminants typically present in a non-industrial indoor environment are often very time consuming and expensive. Traditional industrial hygiene sampling methods such as the NIOSH Methods (Reference 18) or OSHA methods are often unsuitable for indoor air quality application without some alteration of the method because indoor air contaminant concentrations are usually well below the detection capabilities of the method. Additional guidance on IAQ monitoring is provided in Appendices F and H. If point sources such as copy machines, blue print machines, etc. are suspected to be causing the reported problem, information from the manufacturer may be necessary to accurately evaluate the equipment.

Chemical contaminants typically implicated in SBS include carbon monoxide, particulates, ozone, formaldehyde, and other volatile organic compounds. Appendix G contains information on carbon monoxide, particulates, ozone, and formaldehyde. Appendix H contains information and air sampling information for VOCs.

Appendix I lists equipment often used in IAQ investigations.


5.5.4 Questionnaire or Logbook

The use of a questionnaire as part of an IAQ investigation is usually of limited value and is generally not recommended due to the difficulty in collecting meaningful data and the extensive time required to properly analyze questionnaire data. Occupant interviewing is an alternate approach to collect similar information.

A questionnaire may be useful when it is necessary to identify the extent and nature of a reported problem, and to identify possible patterns in the onset of the reported symptoms. A questionnaire may also be used to support a conclusion that the reported symptoms are not associated with the indoor building environment. Appendix J contains a sample questionnaire that can be used for these purposes. Customized questionnaires are recommended for each IAQ investigation.

A walk-through survey of the building is essential to ensure that information collected by interview and/or questionnaire is accurate.

Information collected by interview and/or questionnaire should be compared with symptom frequencies expected in buildings with no IAQ problems. It may also be helpful to review the collected responses with health services personnel. Appendix J, Table 1 contains a list of typical responses to questionnaire surveys in buildings with no IAQ problems.

A running log or a logbook may be effective for identifying possible patterns in the onset of symptoms particularly when used to evaluate chronic, long-term conditions for which other forms of assessment have failed. This log should be maintained by the people experiencing the symptoms and every effort should be made to enter all occurrences in an accurate, consistent and timely manner. Personnel performing logbook entries should be encouraged to keep their logbook entries confidential and avoid discussing observations and entries in order to avoid influencing other personnel logbook entries.

Following a suitable period of data collection, the investigator should review the log and determine whether any patterns exist. (e.g., Do the symptoms always begin on one particular day or at a specific time? Do the symptoms seem to appear right after or during a certain activity such as photocopying? Do they coincide with nearby industrial operations, deliveries, boiler operation, etc...?). While there is no guarantee that a log will help in every case, the investigator may be able to establish some pattern by this method of long-term, "real-time" data collection.

To encourage complete and consistent entries, it is suggested that the log sheets be pre-printed with headers that ask for the following information:

      1. date and time of onset of symptom or when the environmental condition (stuffiness, odor, temperature extreme, etc.) is first perceived.

      2. description of the symptom or environmental condition.

      3. length of time symptom (or condition) lasted.

      4. location(s) affected (where were the people who were affected located at the time of the occurrence?); what activities were going on just prior to and during the occurrence?

      5. name(s) of the person reporting the incident and those affected.

      6. any other pertinent comments or notes


5.5.5 Data Evaluation

Data is continually evaluated throughout all stages of an IAQ investigation. But at this point it is necessary to reevaluate all data gathered so far to ensure possible SBS causes have not been missed. Appendix B is a matrix of the major common causes of SBS and the typical symptoms associated with them. Once the symptoms are identified either through interviews or the employee questionnaire, the table may be useful for identifying likely causes.

Consult an Industrial Hygienist or other health professional with IAQ monitoring experience if a second opinion is desired. They can be used to help review the data and possibly identify other areas for investigation. Additional action should be based on new information or changes in the situation.


5.5.6 Communication and Reports.

During the evaluation and data gathering phase, it is important to maintain regular communication with the employees. Do not wait until the source of the problem has been identified. Discuss the steps being taken in order to minimize distorted rumors. Regular communication also lets you know if there has been a change in the situation that affects the investigation.

Investigation findings and conclusions should be reported to area supervision, health services personnel and the concerned employees. As mentioned above for the preliminary investigation, this information is best reported verbally first so that involved personnel are quickly informed and corrective actions may be taken as soon as possible. A written summary of the investigation is necessary to document the details of the investigation, investigation findings, conclusions and recommended corrective actions, if any. This documentation is just as important if the conclusion is that there is no evidence that the reported problem(s) is associated with the indoor environment.

If the persons who originally reported the IAQ concerns are still not satisfied, you may want to reevaluate the available information, discuss the situation with the area supervision and health services personnel, and decide if further investigation should be performed.


5.5.7 Consultant

An outside consultant can be hired to address a reported problem if the cause of the IAQ complaints can not be identified, or significant complaints still exist after problems have been identified and corrected. A consultant may also be able to provide an objective "fresh look" at the reported problem(s) and identify overlooked conditions that may explain the reported health symptoms.

A consultant should evaluate the information previously gathered, and build on it for his/her evaluation.

The consultant must have a strong background performing IAQ investigations. References should be checked to evaluate how practical and effective the consultant has been on prior jobs. The consultant’s experience should also be strong in any areas that are suspected to be contributing to the reported health symptoms. For example, If inadequate outside air or reentrainment is suspected, the consultant should be very familiar with HVAC systems.



The most appropriate method to correct IAQ problems is very dependent on the particular characteristics of the building and building activities. The following control methods are provided as examples of possible control options. This information does not represent a comprehensive list by any means. The Industrial Hygienist may want to consider these examples when identifying control methods for a particular IAQ problem.

6.1 Ventilation Considerations

Mechanical Engineering and/or Air-Conditioning personnel are valuable resources to determine appropriate actions and correct identified ventilation deficiencies.

Inadequate outdoor air supply correction depends on the specific characteristics of the ventilation system. In some cases, correction may be as simple as adjusting the outdoor air supply damper to ensure a 20% outdoor air supply minimum rather than allowing the damper to close completely (100% recirculated air flow).

Many building ventilation systems are controlled by a timer device which activates the air-handling units (AHUs) approximately one hour before expected occupancy (usually about 7 AM) and deactivates the AHUs when occupants are expected to have left the building (usually about 6 PM). Readjustment of the timer may be necessary if the AHUs are not turning on early enough or are turning off too early.

Variable air volume (VAV) ventilation systems allow for different volumes of air distribution to each work area based upon local heating or cooling demand. In other words, warm or cool air is blown into each work area if the temperature regulator measures the need for warming or cooling. No air will flow into an area if the temperature is within preset comfort limits or if the local area VAV regulator fails. Variable air volume (VAV) ventilation systems may have local areas of inadequate outdoor air supply if the local air distribution units (usually located above a false ceiling) fail. Local control units for VAV systems are frequently not inspected or maintained on a regular basis. Repair or replacement of VAV system components may correct such a problem.

Buildings designed for natural ventilation only (no mechanical ventilation) should be maintained so that windows, doors, vents, stacks and other portals designed or used for ventilation are in operable condition.

Temperature extremes may be corrected by adjustment or repair of thermostats, relocation or redesign of temperature control systems (e.g.; moving a thermostat out of the sun!). Check to see that the thermostats are accurate or that they still work (wiring may be loose or disconnected). Locking of thermostat controls may be necessary to control temperature fluctuations from excessive adjustments.

Building humidification in response to dry air conditions is generally not recommended because humidifiers can be a significant source of microbial contamination if not maintained properly and frequently.


6.2 Chemical Contamination

All pollutants should be eliminated at their source (e.g., photocopiers, etc.) whenever possible.

Whenever possible, copy rooms should be exhausted to the outside and be kept under slight negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas.

Materials low in pollutant emissions should be used whenever possible or materials may be "cured" prior to placement in the building (see Section 7).

Designating all facility buildings as non-smoking areas is recommended in accordance with an administrative policy. Outside smoking areas should be selected and posted to ensure no reentrainment of smoke into the building or nearby buildings.

Cleaning and maintenance chemicals, pesticides, and other hazardous chemicals should be used and applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Cooling coil cleaning with volatile cleaning agents should be performed with the ventilation system deactivated, and reactivated when the area is unoccupied. Building fumigation should only be performed when the building is unoccupied and the ventilation system can be activated at least two (2) hours before re-occupancy, or longer if required or recommended by the fumigation product manufacturer. Employees should be notified at least 24 hours in advance, or promptly in emergency situations, of work to be performed on the building that may introduce air contaminants into their work area.

Building filtration equipment should be providing effective dust and particulate filtration. Look for ripped filters, improperly installed filters, or evidence of excessive dust downstream of the filter banks or in ducts or plenums. Building ventilation filters should be inspected and replaced regularly (every 6 months). The ventilation system should be shut-down during filter replacement.

Design and construction considerations to prevent chemical contamination should be evaluated (see Appendix K).


6.3 Microbial contamination

Water intrusion should be prevented. Roofing or other building materials should be repair or replaced as necessary to prevent rain water intrusion into the building.

All ventilation systems shall be designed and maintained to minimize or eliminate standing or stagnant water.

Air handling unit condensation pans shall be designed for self-drainage to preclude the buildup of microbial growth and oxidation of the metal pan. The continual use of biocides in condensation pans is generally not recommended due to the potential for corrosion of ventilation system components and/or adverse building occupant reactions to the biocide.

All visible microbial contamination in ductwork, humidifiers, other HVAC and building system components, or on building surfaces should be removed. Any use of biocides on existing microbial contamination within a ventilation system must be performed in a safe manner without releasing biocide materials into occupied spaces.

Cooling coils and condensate pans should be periodically cleaned with an anti-microbial agent (use one recommended by the manufacturer to avoid damaging the cooling coil). Air handling and fan coil units should be easily accessible for inspection and preventive maintenance.

Steam is preferred as a moisture source for humidifiers, but care should be exercised to avoid contamination from boiling water or steam supply additives. Cold water humidifiers are discouraged. However, if cold water humidifiers are used, the water should originate from a potable source, and, if recirculated, the system will require frequent maintenance and blow-down.

Central humidifiers are preferred when necessary. Portable humidifiers are not recommended.

If standing water is used in conjunction with water spray in HVAC air distribution systems, it should be treated to avoid microbial buildup (see Appendix K for additional information).

Special care should be taken to avoid entrainment of moisture drift from cooling towers into makeup air and building vents.

Appendix C contains additional information on microbiological contamination.



7.1 Building Design.

Building design and construction considerations for preventing IAQ problems are provided in Appendix K.


7.2 Building Maintenance

Numerous studies have shown that poor building maintenance usually leads to IAQ problems.

Documented inspections of the HVAC system should be performed at least monthly and problems corrected as soon as practical.

Rest rooms should have ventilation rates of approximately 50 CFM (25 L/s) per toilet or urinal, and should be kept at negative pressure with respect to adjacent areas.

All ventilation systems shall be maintained to minimize or eliminate standing or stagnant water. A visual inspection of the fan systems shall be made at least monthly to ensure standing water does not accumulate and allow the growth of microorganisms (see Appendix L).


    1. New Material and Equipment Considerations


Materials low in pollutant emissions should be used wherever possible.

To lessen VOC concentration build-up, the following installation procedures should be followed as much as practical for interior finishing and construction materials:

      1. Acquire representative samples of prospective finishing materials. Compare the odors from samples after leaving them in air-tight containers.

      2. Review material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for materials that vendors may use when installing finishing materials, especially adhesives or solvents.

      3. Require vendors to store unpackaged finishing materials in a ventilated warehouse. This is particularly important for items such as new carpets or new partitions.

      4. Require finishing materials to be installed while providing maximum outdoor air ventilation. Restrict the quantities of adhesives and solvents used during installation to that which is necessary. Avoid the use of highly toxic or carcinogenic chemicals.

Contaminants from stationary local sources within the building should be controlled by collection and removal as close to the source as practical (e.g., copy machines, blueprint machines...).

Newly constructed buildings, especially trailers, should be ventilated at the highest practical rate for at least two days before occupancy. This will reduce the initial contaminant concentrations which are commonly released from new synthetic construction materials and uncured adhesives. Operation of the ventilation system without a night time shut-down cycle will further reduce the initial VOC contaminant concentrations during early occupancy (1-2 months).

Building "Bake-out" (conditioning of newly constructed buildings prior to occupancy with high air temperatures and high air flow ventilation to accelerate the release of VOCs) is generally not recommended except under very controlled circumstances to avoid damaging building materials and contents. The effectiveness of such bake-outs may also not be worth the trouble of conducting.

    1. Proactive Building Management and Monitoring

A proactive approach is recommended to ensure an appropriate indoor environment and minimize health effect complaints that may be related to the building environment. Assigning one individual the overall responsibility as the indoor environmental quality manager (or similar title) responsible for overall oversight of factors potentially impacting the indoor environment is frequently recommended. The EPA Building Air Quality Action Plan (reference 24) provides a good summary of the indoor environmental quality manager’s (referred to as the IAQ Manager in the EPA document) and describes this persons role in the development of an IAQ profile for each building.

Continual multi-point monitoring of carbon dioxide and dew point may also be considered as an approach to ensure optimal performance of building ventilation systems and indoor air quality conditions consistent with building design parameters (see reference 25 for more details).


All as-built construction documents, HVAC commissioning reports, HVAC systems testing, adjusting and balancing reports, operations and maintenance manuals, water treatment logs, operator training materials, preventive maintenance and non-scheduled maintenance documentation should be retained by facility personnel for at least five years to allow for verification of the design and routine operation of all building systems that can impact the indoor air. Permanent retention of these records is most appropriate.

All health and safety records pertaining to IAQ investigations should be retained indefinitely. This includes:

      1. All field notes and air sampling data.

      2. All questionnaires that are returned by those involved, including a detailed listing of signs and symptoms described by affected individuals. This information shall be treated as strictly confidential.

      3. All data collected on the building system including; temperature, relative humidity, air flow and percent outdoor air.

      4. Any conclusions regarding cause and a complete list of all recommendations.

      5. Documentation of follow-up.

      6. All medical records pertaining to the IAQ problem, including initial report, clinical and/or lab findings as well as the diagnosis by the attending physician or occupational health nurse. This information shall be treated as strictly confidential.

      7. All records of employee complaints relating to potential IAQ problems. This should include the nature of the reported illness, number of employees affected, date of employee complaint, and remedial action, if any, taken to correct the source of the problem. This information shall be treated as strictly confidential.



9.1 Employees

(1) Ensure that IAQ concerns in their respective areas are communicated to their supervisor.

9.2 Facility Managers

(1) Be responsive to all reported IAQ complaints and will document the reported problems and actions taken.

(2) Report significant IAQ complaints or problems to the Industrial Hygienist or other health and safety professional.

(3) Attempt to identify and correct IAQ problems to the best of his/her ability.

9.3 Health Services

(1) Notify the Industrial Hygienist or other health and safety professional of reported IAQ problems to allow for a field investigation.

(2) When available, provide input to the Industrial Hygienist or other health and safety professional regarding an individual's susceptibility to IAQ problems.

(3) Ensure medical evaluation of affected employees as needed.

9.4 Industrial Hygienists (or other health and safety professional)

(1) Investigate IAQ problems with necessary support from facilities department and Health Services personnel.

(2) Perform or oversee air sampling and interpretation of results as necessary.

(3) Assist with appropriate control measures to alleviate and prevent IAQ problems.

(4) Follow-up on IAQ concerns to ensure that the resolution of the problem is permanent.

(5) Communicate IAQ investigation findings to employees, area supervision and Health Services as necessary.

9.5 Supervisors

(1) Ensure that their operations, processes or other functions do not adversely impact the quality of indoor air.

(2) Ensure each employee is aware of their responsibility to inform management of IAQ issues.

(3) Forward reports of IAQ problems to the Industrial Hygienist or other health and safety professional if they can not be resolved by his/her department.

(4) Implement recommendations for controlling IAQ problems where appropriate.

9.6 Facilities Department

(1) Ensure there is an effective preventive maintenance program in place to minimize IAQ problems.

(2) Ensure that no Facilities Department project or process adversely impacts the quality of indoor air.

(3) Ensure all records pertaining to the operation and maintenance of HVAC systems are properly maintained.

(4) Ensure at least the minimum outside air ventilation rate, based on actual occupancy, required by the building code, mechanical code, or ventilation code applicable at the time the facility was constructed, renovated, or remodeled, whichever is most recent. 20 cubic feet per minute (CFM) (10 L/s) per person of outside air is the preferred ventilation rate for each office building (see Reference 1).

(5) Work with the Industrial Hygienist or other health and safety professional to control IAQ problems related to HVAC systems.



  1. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE); Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, ASHRAE 62-1999; ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329; (404) 636-8400.

  2. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE); Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, ASHRAE 55-1992; ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329; (404) 636-8400.

  3. Lao, K.: Controlling Indoor Radon -- Measurement, Mitigation and Prevention. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 115 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003; 1990.

  4. Puskin, J. and Nelson, C.: EPA's Perspective on Risks from Residential Radon Exposure. JAPCA, 39(7): 915-920 (1989).

  5. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH); Bioaerosols, Assessment and Control, 1999; ACGIH, 6500 Glenway Ave. Bldg. D-7, Cincinnati, OH 45211 -4438; (513) 661 -7881.

  6. Boxer, P.: Indoor Air Quality: A Psycosocial Perspective. JOM 32(5):425-428 ( I 990)

  7. Norback, D. Michael, I. And Widstrom, J.: Indoor Air Quality and Personnel Factors Related to the Sick Building Syndrome. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 16(2):121-128 (1990)

  8. Bierbaun, P., Gorman, R., and Wallingford, K.: The NIOSH Approach to Conducting Indoor Air Quality Investigations in Office Buildings. Energy Tech no. 16(9):347-361 (1989).

  9. Burton, D. J.: Indoor Air Quality Workbook. IVE, Inc., 178 No. Alta Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103; 1990.

  10. Burge, H. and Hoyer, M.: Indoor Air Quality. Appl. Occup. Environ. Hyg., 5(2):84-93 (1990).

  11. Godish, T.: Indoor Air Pollution Control. Lewis Publishers, 121 South Main St., Chelsea, Michigan 48118; 1989.

  12. Manual for Ventilation Assessment in Mechanically Ventilated Commercial Buildings. Indoor Air Quality Update (IAQU) Document Code 08CZ, January 1994.

  13. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH); Indoor Air Quality -- Selected References, May 1989; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226; (513) 533-8328.

  14. National institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH); Guidance for Indoor Air Quality Investigations, January 1987; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226; (513) 533-8328.

  15. Brooks, B. and W. Davis (1992). Understanding Indoor Air Quality, CC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL.

  16. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) (1999). Documentation Of The Threshold Limit Values And Biological Exposure Indicies, Cincinnati, OH.

  17. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) (1981). Indoor Pollutants, Committee on Indoor Pollutants, Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards, Assembly of Life Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.

  18. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (1984). NIOSH Manual Of Analytical Methods, Third Edition, Cincinnati, OH.

  19. American National Standards Institute/ Illuminating Engineering Society (ANSI/IES) (1982). Office Lighting, ANSI/IES Standard RP1-1982, New York, NY.

  20. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) (2000). Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices 2000, Cincinnati, OH.

  21. Hewlett-Packard Company (1990). Indoor Air Quality Program, Industrial Hygiene Technology Council, Palo Alto, CA.

  22. American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) (1996). Field Guide for the Determination of Biological Contaminants in Environmental Samples , AIHA, Fairfax Virginia.

  23. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE); Minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems, ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000; ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329; (404) 636-8400.

  24. Environmental Protection Agency, Building Air Quality Action Plan, EPA Publication No. 402-K-98-001, June 1998.

  25. Bearg, David W.: Improving Indoor Air Quality Through the Use of Continual Multipoint Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide and Dew Point, Am Ind. Hyg. J. 59:636-641 (1998).


    1. Radon Considerations

    2. SBS Cause and Symptom Matrix

    3. Microbiological Contamination

    4. Psychosocial Considerations

    5. IAQ Information for Carbon Dioxide, Temperature, Relative Humidity and Air Flow

    6. Ventilation Guidelines for Buildings with Intermittent or Variable Occupancies

    7. IAQ Information for Carbon Monoxide, Ozone, Formaldehyde, and Particulates

    8. IAQ and Volatile Organic Compounds

    9. List of Equipment for IAQ Investigations

    10. Indoor Air Quality Questionnaire (Sample)

    11. Design and Construction Considerations

    12. Preventive Maintenance Schedule - HVAC Equipment (Sample)



Radon (Rn) is not an irritant or acute toxin, and it is therefore not normally of concern in acute epidemics of SBS or building-related illness. The major risk from exposure to Rn decay products is lung cancer. Rn, and Rn's primary decay products (Po-218 and Po-214), emit alpha particles which have half-lives of less than 30 minutes. Without a replenishing source, significant concentrations of Rn cannot be maintained. Precursors of Rn, Uranium-238 and Radium-226, are constituents of nearly all soil and rock, although there is considerable geographic variation in concentration.

Soil gas is responsible for >90% of all radon in indoor air. Where soils contain high concentrations of radon, ventilation practices that place crawl spaces, basements, or underground ductwork below atmospheric pressure will tend to increase radon concentrations in buildings and should be avoided. Other major sources of radon in indoor air include well water and masonry building materials. Due to the effect of a variety of factors, Rn levels in buildings may be several times, or even several orders of magnitude, higher than ambient levels. This is particularly true in single-family dwellings.

The EPA recommends that radon levels be maintained below 4 pCi/L by the use of forced ventilation in conjunction with sealing of below-grade access points and removal of any contaminated water supply. 8 pCi/L is the National Council on Radiation Protection guideline for unacceptably high levels.

Rn is unique in that it poses lifetime lung cancer risks orders of magnitude higher than those of commercial chemicals considered by the EPA to pose significant cancer risks to the general population. Based on current exposure and risk estimates by the EPA, Rn exposure in single-family houses may be a causal factor in about 20,000 lung cancer fatalities per year. Most of these projected fatalities are attributable to exposures in houses with average or moderately elevated Rn levels (<10 pCi/L).

To appreciably reduce Rn-induced lung cancers, remediation efforts must include houses not highly elevated in Rn. From either an individual risk or a cost-benefit standpoint, reduction of a few pCi/L per home appears to be justified. The optimal strategy for dealing with the indoor Rn problem depends on the magnitude of the risk per unit exposure, the distribution of exposure in houses, and the effectiveness and costs of mitigation. The Environmental Protection Agency's views with respect to these factors and the associated uncertainties are discussed in Reference 4.

Exposure to Rn in homes presents a greater hazard than exposure in commercial buildings because more time is spent at home than at work, and because there is the added risk of exposure to children. The Environmental Protection Agency has recommended a four-step approach for indoor radon testing procedure for homes that can be adopted for commercial buildings:

(1) Conduct a quick and inexpensive screening measurement in such a way that the highest possible Rn concentration in a building is measured.

(2) Decide whether or not a follow-up measurement is necessary based on the screening results.

(3) If necessary, conduct a follow-up measurement.

(4) Decide whether or not remedial action is necessary and when that action should be taken.

Industrial Hygiene or Health Physics personnel should be contacted for any further information regarding radon. They should be consulted for any necessary field measurements or remedial action considerations.











Eye Irritation








Nose Irritation












Dry Throat








Skin Irritation









Sinus Congestion


























Shortness of Breath









































 Source: Reference 21 and Professional Experience



Five percent of NlOSH's investigations have involved some type of microbiological contamination. Even though this is not a common cause of office problems, it can result in a potentially severe health condition known as hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This respiratory problem can be caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and microbial products that may originate from ventilation system components. A similar condition known as humidifier fever, most commonly reported in Europe, is also the result of microbiological contamination in ventilation systems. Microbiological contamination has commonly resulted from water damage to carpets or furnishings, or standing water in ventilation system components.

Although a variety of disorders (hypersensitivity pneumonitis, humidifier fever, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis) can result from microbiological exposure, NIOSH generally has not documented the existence of these disorders on the basis of medical or epidemiological data. However, even if visible microbial growth can not be directly related to the health complaints reported, it is a problem that needs to be addressed and corrected.

Legionella pneumophilia is a cause of potentially serious IAQ problems. It is a bacteria commonly found in nature. Optimum water temperature for growth of this bacteria is 77-108ฐF. Legionella bacteria can cause two distinct clinical syndromes; Legionnaires disease and Pontiac fever. Legionnaires disease is a bacterial pneumonia that sometimes results in death. It has an incubation period of five or six days, and only a small percentage of exposed persons contract symptomatic disease. In addition to pneumonia, the infection may involve the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and the central nervous system. Legionella is also associated with Pontiac fever that is characterized by fever, chills, headache, and muscular pain. Pontiac fever has an incubation period of about 1.5 days, an attack rate of almost 100%, and is much less severe than Legionnaires disease.

Unless there has been a diagnosis of Legionnaires disease or Pontiac fever, sampling for Legionella is generally not recommended due to the lack of generally accepted guidelines for what concentrations or amounts of the bacteria are inappropriate. However, some researchers suggest <1 per ml of water is an acceptable concentration of Legionella in reservoirs, 1 - 9 per ml requires reevaluation for evidence of further amplification, 10 - 99 per ml requires a review of the premises to ascertain whether bioaerosols have direct or indirect contact with high-risk personnel, >100 per ml requires cleaning, and >1000 per ml requires "emergency" cleaning. However, testing should not be regarded as a substitute for effective maintenance practices and water treatment.

Prevention is the best control for Legionella (e.g., no standing water and water treatment). Cold water should be stored and distributed at temperatures below 68 ฐF. Hot water should be stored above 140 ฐF and circulated with a minimum return temperature of 124 ฐF.

Treatment against Legionella is usually effective by treatment with chemicals such as calcium hypochlorite, quaternary ammonium compounds, and dibromonitrilopropionamide. Hyperchlorination is only effective if residual quantities of free chlorine (greater than 2 mg/L) are maintained. The pH of the water should be maintained between 7.0 and 8.0. Copper-silver ionization has been reported as a relatively new approach to successfully controlling Legionella in hot water distribution systems.

Bromides or formulations of the alkyl dialkylbenzylammonim chloride salts can be used to control slime, algae, plankton, bacteria, and other micro-organisms in cooling towers. Cooling tower water should be regularly tested to ensure that the proper amounts of biocides and corrosion inhibitor are maintained.

Bromicides have been reported to be four times more effective as biocides, and they dissipate in the blowdown in half the time of chlorine compounds (since they have a shorter half-life). Sunlight and ultraviolet light break down chlorine into other compounds, and chlorine residuals are difficult to maintain due to the variation in organic level within the condenser water. Cooling towers should be cleaned out at least once a year and more often where they are located next to farming, construction, or other types of activity that increase the suspended solids in the tower water. Regular alteration of biocides in cooling water systems may also be advisable in order to avoid the selection and growth of resistant strains of microbes.


Reference 22, Field Guide for the Determination of Biological Contaminants in Environmental Samples. A more thorough and recent summary of related bioaerosols information can be found in Reference 5, Bioaerosols, Assessment and Control. A very recent guideline related to Legionellosis is also available as ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000 (Reference 23).



Limit the number of investigating personnel involved. The more personnel involved, the greater the likelihood for conflicting opinions, which magnifies risk perception and undermines employees' confidence in management to resolve the problem. One Industrial Hygienist or other health and safety professional with a general knowledge of IAQ problems can orchestrate the investigation and recommend additional specialty investigations as needed.

Beware of insensitive managers and other personnel who can unwittingly worsen matters. For example, physicians do a disservice if they automatically attribute symptoms to workplace exposures based only on employees' beliefs. Managers and other personnel have been known to make inappropriate sexist remarks when primarily female workers have been involved in outbreaks. Regardless of his or her defined area of expertise, only personnel who are sensitive to the potentially charged emotional atmosphere in a typical IAQ complaint scenario should be permitted to address a group of employees directly.

Rarely do employees affected by IAQ problems need to be seen at a hospital. The occupational health nurse on-site should maintain a log of complaints and symptoms. The accurate report that several employees were seen in a hospital emergency room is easily distorted to rumors that they were hospitalized. Also, by sending all affected employees to a single, knowledgeable physician, the chance for physician misattribution of symptoms to a workplace hazard is minimized.

In outbreaks of moderate to severe symptoms affecting multiple employees simultaneously, remove affected employees to a common area if possible. This helps to prevent the spread of symptoms to unaffected employees via "psychologic contagion".

Unless there is convincing evidence that employees are being exposed to a significant health hazard, do not recommend evacuation of a work area. Once an area has been evacuated, it is extraordinarily difficult to convince workers that they were not being exposed to toxic materials.

Maximize employees' participation in the investigation. If an employee health and safety committee exists, involve it at the earliest stage possible.

Communicate openly and in a timely manner with employees. The most common source of information in these outbreaks is rumor. While reliance on the "rumor mill" may be regrettable in daily operations, it can be disastrous during an outbreak of health problems. Inform employees of exactly what steps are being taken to investigate the problem, what has been determined, and what remains to be determined. Both regular newsletters and face-to-face meetings are valuable. Do no wait until a definitive cause of the problem has been discovered, because distorted rumors will take hold in the interim.

Communicate effectively with the media. IAQ outbreaks are often accompanied by sensationalistic news reports. The most effective approach to neutralizing such stories is through regular press releases. A single, knowledgeable spokesperson should respond to all media requests for interviews.

Despite the desire for quick solutions and a swift return to business as usual, avoid early "definitive" pronouncements of the cause of the problem. Initial, hastily conceived impressions often turn out to be wrong. When erroneous preliminary conclusions are presented, management quickly loses credibility.

Despite careful investigation, an environmental explanation may not be found for many reported IAQ problems. Employees may then be told that the problem was psychological or due to stress, if appropriate. Stress has gradually become an acceptable explanation for a variety of physical and psychological problems. Most employees can understand a presentation of how stress can lead to symptoms commonly seen in IAQ outbreaks. However, if this explanation is used, management must be prepared to define the nature of the stressors and plans for remedial actions.

Additional information on the subject is contained in Reference 6.



Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a normal constituent of exhaled breath and, if monitored, can be used as a screening technique to evaluate whether adequate quantities of outdoor air are being introduced into a building or work area. Typical outdoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in Northern California are 300 - 400 parts per million (ppm). The CO2 level is usually higher inside than outside, even in buildings with few complaints about indoor air quality. Indoor carbon dioxide concentrations greater than 800 - 1000 parts per million (ppm) generally indicate insufficient outdoor air ventilation, based on the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, ASHRAE 62-1999, and professional experience. IAQ problems may develop as a result of inadequate outdoor air ventilation. The CO2 concentration itself is not responsible for the complaints. However, a high concentration of CO2 may indicate that other contaminants in the building may be concentrating and could be responsible for occupant complaints. If CO2 levels are greater than 1000 ppm, widespread complaints may occur and thus 1000 ppm may be used as an upper limit. This does not mean that if this level is exceeded the building is hazardous or that it should be evacuated, but rather this level should be a guideline that helps maximize comfort for all occupants. Carbon dioxide concentrations between 600 ppm and 1000 ppm are less clearly interpreted.

Carbon Dioxide Sampling

There are numerous instruments commercially available to evaluate carbon dioxide in air. A Young Environmental Systems meter, Telair Systems, or TSI meter provide continuous analysis and datalogging of carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity. These instruments are equivalent in most ways. A Miran IB and other infrared carbon dioxide analyzers can also be used to sample for CO2. CO2 concentrations can also be estimated using direct reading detector tubes that indicate concentration as a function of length of color change on a sampling tube (e.g., Draeger Tubes). Unlike most industrial hygiene sampling, CO2 readings for IAQ evaluations should not be taken in the breathing zone of an individual. The CO2 in exhaled breath can cause false readings.

Plan your sampling locations. Include some areas where there are reported problems and some where there are not. If there is no difference between areas, pick some from each area of the building. Be sure to sample outdoors for comparison.

Start sampling first thing in the morning. You should be among the first people in the building that day. Get baseline samples at all your major sample spots including an outside sample. During the day get representative samples in all your major sampling locations, the frequency determined by the variety and duration of activities. You will probably want to get samples just before the lunch break, particularly if there is a significant decrease in building occupancy at lunch. You will want samples again at the end of the work day just before everyone starts leaving (a lot of in-out traffic would allow more air exchange than during the major part of the day). Depending on the number of sampling sites and activities involved, you may want additional samples at other locations. Record all CO2 measurements in units of ppm, by specific location and time of day, and record occupancy at each sample location.

Temperature, Relative Humidity and Air Flow

To round out the monitoring, temperature and humidity should be checked at various times and places throughout the day, and if necessary, air flow at vents and return air grills should be evaluated as well. Although wet bulb, dry bulb thermometers can be used, that degree of accuracy is unnecessary. A desk thermometer and relative humidity meter should be adequate. Measurements for air flow are intended to assure that vents are functioning (perhaps intermittently) and to possibly see if the airflow is directed in a suitable direction. Air movement from vents is easily checked with smoke tubes. Use of a balometer is recommended to most accurately measure the air flow at each supply and return register.



Ventilating systems for spaces with intermittent or variable occupancy may have their outdoor air quantity adjusted by use of dampers or by stopping and starting the fan system to provide sufficient dilution to maintain contaminant concentrations within acceptable levels at all times. Such system adjustment may lag or should lead occupancy depending on the source of contaminants and the variation in occupancy. When contaminants are associated only with occupants or their activities, do not present a short-term health hazard, and are dissipated during unoccupied periods to provide air equivalent to acceptable outdoor air, the supply of outdoor air may lag occupancy. When contaminants are generated in the space or the conditioning system independent of occupants or their activities, the supply of outdoor air should lead occupancy so that acceptable conditions will exist at the start of occupancy.

Figures 2 and 3 show recommended lag or lead times needed to achieve acceptable conditions for transient occupancy. Where peak occupancies of less than three hours duration occur, the outdoor air flow rate may be determined on the basis of average occupancy for buildings for the duration of operation of the system, provided the average occupancy used is not less than one-half the maximum. Caution should be exercised for spaces that are allowed to lag and may be affected, due to pressure differences, by contaminants entering from adjacent spaces, such as parking garages, restaurants, etc.

Reference 1 contains additional information on the subject.


Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, colorless gas which acts as an asphyxiant by binding to hemoglobin (forming carboxyhemoglobin), thus decreasing the amount of oxygen transported to tissues. While odorless itself, CO exposure often involves a combination of combustion products, many of which do have distinctive odors. The most common sources for CO in non-industrial environments include automobile exhaust from indoor garages, or inappropriately placed air intakes and smoking.

Overexposure to CO can result in fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, exacerbation of symptoms of cardiovascular disease and, at high concentrations, death. The current National Ambient Air Quality Standard for CO is 9 ppm maximum for an eight hour average exposure or 35 ppm maximum for a one-hour average exposure. Detector tubes (e.g., Draeger tubes) and electrochemical CO monitors are available that are usually adequate to assess CO levels in non-industrial situations.

Other Combustion Products

Trace metals, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, nitrogen, calcium, silicon, and a variety of minerals are formed during combustion of fossil fuels. Of these, the nitrogen oxides have received the most attention with respect to (primarily residential) indoor air quality. Nitrogen dioxide is rarely associated with nonresidential, building-related complaints except in cases where entrainment from outdoor air occurs and in conjunction with environmental tobacco smoke exposure.


Ozone is a colorless gas with a characteristic odor that is produced in ambient air by the photochemical oxidation of combustion products such as the nitrogen oxides. It can also result from the operation of electrical motors, photocopy machines, and electrostatic air cleaners.

Symptoms associated with overexposure to ozone include cough, upper airway irritation, tickle in the throat, chest discomfort, difficulty or pain in taking a deep breath, wheezing, headache, fatigue, nasal congestion, and eye irritation. Symptoms usually disappear within 2-4 hours of cessation of exposure. For sedentary workers, ozone concentrations in excess of 0.1 ppm may result in symptoms such as dryness of the upper respiratory tract, and nose and throat irritation; concentrations in excess of 0.5 ppm may induce decrements in pulmonary function.

Non-industrial exposures are usually in the 0.02 ppm to 0.03 ppm range. The ACGIH TLV for ozone ranges from 0.05 to 0.20 depending on an assessment of work level. The odor of ozone can be detected by some people at levels as low as 0.001 ppm and by most people at 0.02 ppm, which is well below the level at which symptoms are induced. Therefore, in the absence of this odor, building-related symptoms are unlikely to be due to ozone exposure.

Measurement of ozone can be done using chemiluminescence, ultraviolet absorption, or detector tubes (e.g., Draeger tubes). Control of ozone in non-industrial occupational environments depends on adequate ventilation to dilute internal sources and proper maintenance of electrical equipment and other potential sources.


Formaldehyde (HCHO) is ubiquitous in the modern environment due to its extensive use in a variety of manufacturing processes. Formaldehyde is used in bonding/laminating agents, adhesives, paper and textile products, and foam insulation. Especially in new buildings, formaldehyde off-gassing from building materials and textiles can be a significant problem. Renovations involving replacement of carpeting can also temporarily raise formaldehyde concentrations into the irritant range.

Formaldehyde is a suspected carcinogen. The mean indoor concentration of formaldehyde has been reported as approximately 0.03 ppm. The odor threshold for formaldehyde is approximately 0.03 to 1.6 ppm. Possible eye irritation has been reported at concentrations of approximately 0.02 – 0.03 ppm and sensitive individuals have been reported to experience mucous membrane irritation at a concentration of 0.05 ppm. The current ACGIH TLV for formaldehyde is 0.3 ppm as a ceiling limit and it is regarded as a human sensitizer.

For indoor air quality investigations, air sampling for formaldehyde can be conducted in accordance with National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Method 3500. Samples are collected by drawing air through a midget impinger containing a sodium bisulfite reagent solution at a flow rate of approximately 1 liter per minute (LPM). An extended sampling time of 24 hours allows for a detection limit of approximately 0.0001 ppm. Care must be exercised to ensure that the reagent solution level remains at the appropriate level in the impinger. Other methods, including relatively new passive monitors, are available and are much easier to use, but be sure that the detection limit is sufficiently low.

Control of formaldehyde depends on limiting indoor sources including smoking, formaldehyde-containing building materials and textiles as well as provision for adequate ventilation. "Baking-out" of new buildings has also been used to lower indoor concentrations of formaldehyde and other VOCs. However, recently published case study reports indicate that maximizing the outdoor air supply ventilation for a 48 – 72 hour period may be just as effective without the risk of damage associated with high temperature conditions. Exposing formaldehyde-containing materials to elevated temperatures before installation would be more appropriate than attempting bake-out conditions in a building.


Respirable suspended particulates are less than 10 micrometers (um) in diameter and include a broad range of substances that remain suspended in air. In non-industrial occupational environments, the principal source of fine particulates (< 2 um) may be cigarette smoke and possibly aerosols from spray air fresheners or cleaning materials. Larger particle aerosols (2-10 um) include carpet fragments, human skin scales, and dirt carried in from outdoors. Indoor exposure to particulates is often higher than outdoor exposure.

In addition to specific effects from environmental tobacco smoke and bioaerosols, respirable particulates can be respiratory irritants, especially for asthmatics. In addition, some respirable particulates are highly reactive, although the chemistry of indoor respirable particulates has received little attention except for the specific cases mentioned above.

The EPA National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter in outdoor air is 50 micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m3), respirable, as an average concentration, and 150 ug/m3, respirable, as a 24-hour ceiling concentration. For indoor air, some industries recommend a performance criteria should be set at 75 ug/m3 for total dust and 50 ug/m3 for respirable dust until more is learned about potential adverse health effects of certain indoor air particulate such as passive smoke (Reference 21).

The EPA reference method for measuring particulate matter in outdoor air is a cascade impactor procedure. It is outlined in Appendix J of 40 CFR Part 50. Respirable particles can also be measured by a cyclone-filter assembly used in conjunction with a high-flow pump. Direct reading equipment for measuring respirable particles is also available (e.g., the HAM by PPM, Inc.). Total particulates can be measured by preweighed filters used in conjunction with high-flow pumps. An attractive alternative to using high flow pumps in occupied areas (noisy!) is to use personal low flow sampling pumps in accordance with NIOSH Method 0500 by drawing air through a 37 millimeter (mm) diameter filter cassette containing a pre-weighed 5 micron pore size, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) filter at a flow rate of approximately 2 LPM. An extended sampling time of 24 hours allows for a detection limit of less than 5 micrograms per cubic meter of air (ตg/m3).



Some individuals working in this building have reported health complaints. To help investigate the possible presence, or absence, of similar complaints, this questionnaire is being distributed to all or some occupants. Your assistance is requested. Please complete this questionnaire as accurately as possible. Please respond even If you have not personally experienced any of the listed problems. Return in a sealed envelope to __________________ by __________________. Thank you!


1. Complaints: (select choices that you experience regularly and may be related to your presence in this building. This is a standard list - not all complaints listed have been noted in this building.)

1____Aching joints



2____Muscle twitching

12____Sinus congestion


3____Back pain



4____Hearing disturbances

14____Chest tightness



15____Eye irritation


6____Dry, flaking skin

16____Problems wearing contacts


7____Skin irritation/itching




18____Temperature too cold



19____Temperature too hot


10___Noticeable odors(describe)_________________



_____ Other (specify) __________________________




2. When do these complaints occur?

____ Morning ____ Daily

____ Afternoon ____ Specific day(s) of the week

____ All day ____ No noticeable trend


3. When do you experience relief from these complaints? ______________________________________________________________________


4. Do you have any of the following? (Please check positive responses)


____ Hay fever, pollen allergies ____ Skin allergies/Dermatitis

____ Sinus Problems ____ Cold/Flu

____ Other allergies


5. Do you smoke tobacco? ____Yes ____ No

Do others smoke in your work area? ___ Yes ____ No


6. What floor of the building are you located? ______________________________

What department or area? ___________________________________________

Are you near any office equipment (specify)? ____________________________


Do you use any chemicals in your work (specify)? ________________________


Do you work near an open window? ___________________________________


7. Comments or Observations: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Guidelines For Administering Occupant IAQ Questionnaire

The use of a questionnaire as part of an IAQ investigation is usually of limited value and is generally not recommended due to the difficulty in collected meaningful data and the extensive time required to properly analyze questionnaire data. Occupant interviewing is a preferred approach to collect similar information.

A questionnaire may be useful when it is necessary to identify the extent and nature of a reported problem, and to identify possible patterns at the onset of the symptoms. A questionnaire may also be used to support a conclusion that the reported symptoms are not associated with the indoor building environment. A sample questionnaire is included in this Appendix. This questionnaire may be self-administered or it may be administered by a member of the investigating team during a personal interview.

Guideline Procedures:

1. Develop and use a standard questionnaire to be used for all the employees interviewed. This maximizes the standardization of the information asked for and received, particularly when there is more than one person administering the questionnaire.

2. Administer the questionnaire to the affected employees as well as to a non-affected or control group of employees.

3. One study (Reference 7) suggested the questionnaire phase of the investigation be completed prior to measuring exposures to avoid any influence of the results on the questionnaire responses.

4. If the self-administration method is selected, follow through with a personal interview to clarify any information which is not clear and to obtain missing or additional information from the employee.

5. All questionnaire responses must be treated as strictly confidential.

NIOSH suggests that after reviewing the questionnaire data and information from interviews, the investigator will get a sense of who is and who is not experiencing symptoms and what these symptoms are. These individuals may be categorized to at least provide numbers which may help determine the extent of the problem or to determine if one truly exists. NIOSH furthers recommends plotting this information on a floor plan to provide a graphic display of the distribution of the complaints. This may help to determine if the problem is localized or widespread.

It is not unusual to have employees with health effect symptom complaints from time-to-time. Not every health complaint will necessarily be IAQ related and the questionnaire information should be interpreted with care. Table 1 lists responses to questionnaire surveys in buildings that were regarded to be without IAQ complaints.

Table 1

Building Illness Symptoms in "Non-Complaint Buildings"



Percent Positive Once a Week or More








Nose Irritation



Eye Irritation



Sore Throat/Colds



Dry, Flaking Skin









• Flashlight (essential!) with fresh batteries

• Draeger Pump and Tubes (CO2, CO, Air Current, Hydrocarbon, Formaldehyde, Ozone)

• Carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity meter and datalogger

• Velometer or Thermoanemometer, Balometer

• Light Meter

• Diffusion Detector Tubes (Dosimeter Tubes, Passive Personal Monitors)

• Smoke Tubes and Squeeze Bulb

• Collection Bags and Swabs (to hold/collect settled particulate and wipe samples)

• Particle Counter

• Air Sampling Pumps (low/high flow)

• Infrared Gas Spectrometer (e.g., MIRAN 1B) 

• Tracer Gas and related detection equipment


The increase in total VOCs from inadequate ventilation, outside contamination, a larger than normal amount of office equipment, or new building materials has often been often associated with SBS symptoms. In a study of 11 buildings with SBS, for 10 out of 16 symptoms, the mean hydrocarbon exposure was significantly higher among persons with the symptom as compared with persons without the symptom (P<0.05). These 10 symptoms were eye irritation, swollen eyelids, nasal inflammation, nasal congestion, dryness in the throat, sore throat, headache, abnormal tiredness, sensation of getting a cold, and facial itch (see Reference 7).

Typically, air sampling for total VOCs should only be considered after the HVAC system has been thoroughly checked and found to be operating correctly. And only if there are indications that VOCs may be the source of the problem (e.g., a larger than normal number of VOC-emitting office equipment, or symptoms consistent with VOC exposure such as mucous membrane irritation, headaches, and neurophysiological dysfunction). Typical concentrations of volatile organic compounds in the indoor environment are below the detection capabilities of available NIOSH methods. Currently preferred methodology for VOC sampling is solid sorbent tube or SUMMAฎ canister collection in accordance with EPA methods IP-1A and IP-1B, respectively. Samples are analyzed using thermal desorption and GC/MS techniques. Concurrent sets of two samples each should generally be taken:

(1) In the reported problem area

(2) In another area within the building where there are no complaints (preferably with a similar ventilation system)

(3) Outside the building in a location away from the building where the air is expected to be representative of the ambient outdoor air.

(4) Near the air intakes of the building

Sample sets (2) through (4) are used for internal and external comparisons. The last set of samples (4), can be omitted if reentrainment problems are not anticipated.

Advanced VOC sampling equipment is not commonly available and is fairly expensive. It is usually easiest to obtain the necessary sorption tube or Summaฎ canisters from the laboratory performing the sample analysis. They will charge preparation and/or rental fees, but they will also guarantee the collection media are clean.

Total VOC monitors, such as the Photovac TIP or HNU photoionization detector (PID), the Century or Photovac portable flame ionization detector (FID), and MIRAN instrumentation, can be used to measure peak concentrations and intra-day fluctuations but then may not be sensitive enough to detect typical indoor VOC concentrations. However, recent commercially available equipment is specifically designed for indoor air quality investigation purposes.

Currently there are no generally accepted standards for total VOCs in the indoor environment. In a study of 15 office buildings, average VOC concentrations indoors were found to be approximately 650 ug/m3 while outdoor concentrations averaged about 250 ug/m3. Relating exact airborne concentrations with complaints is not usually possible because of the variation of individual chemical properties and personal response. Complaints have been reported when concentrations of VOCs in air were less than 400 ug/m3. In one study, at 600 ug/m3 more than 20% of occupants complained of upper respiratory tract irritation and/or headache. In one paper, sensory perception to VOCs was reported to occur at approximately 1000 ug/m3.



Building Ventilation

Fan systems with full economizers are recommended when they are consistent with the occupancy requirements of the building.

The HVAC system must provide at least the minimum outside air ventilation rate, based on actual occupancy, required by the building code, mechanical code, or ventilation code applicable at the time the facility was constructed, renovated, or remodeled, whichever is most recent. The target outdoor air supply for a typical office environment should be at least 20 CFM (10 L/s) per person throughout the occupied zone at all times the building is in use. It is important to ensure ventilation rates are measured when economizers are at the setting providing the minimum amount of outside air. Appendix F provides ventilation guidelines for buildings with intermittent or variable occupancies.

Restrooms should have ventilation rates of approximately 50 CFM (25 L/s) per toilet or urinal, and should be negative pressure with respect to the rest of the building. Recirculation is inappropriate for air discharged from restrooms.

 Air velocity should be 30 to 50 feet per minute at each workstation when practical.

 Designation of buildings as non-smoking areas is strongly recommended.

 Fibrous glass should not be used to line the inside of HVAC ducts.


Exhaust Outlets, Stacks, and Inlets

Air intakes should be located on the lower one-third of a building and the exhaust on the upper two-thirds or on the roof. Intakes should not be placed near loading docks, parking garages, busy streets, or other potential sources of contaminants.

Exhaust outlets and stacks should be placed on the predominant downwind side of the building and intakes on the upwind side.

When exhaust outlets are located on the roof, aesthetic enclosures should be avoided. If required by local code, they should be of the open-louvered type which allow horizontal winds to flush the enclosure. Intakes should not be located within the enclosure.

Avoid the use of rain caps that direct the flow of exhaust air back towards the roof. These caps can greatly reduce the dilution of exhausted air.

Provide ample stack height. The Uniform Building Code suggests that stacks should be at least 10 feet away and 2 feet above an air intake. A guideline states stacks within 50 feet of the roof line or an air intake should be 10 feet tall. In no cases should stacks be less than seven feet tall to protect maintenance people working near the stacks. Check your local area requirements.

Position stacks as far away from intakes as possible. 50 feet is considered adequate in most cases.

Position cooling towers at least 25 feet from intakes.


New Material and Equipment Considerations

Materials low in pollutant emissions should be used wherever possible. Progressive companies are participating in product emissions test programs. There may be labels on the products indicating participation in such programs and manufacturers may provide test data upon request.

To lessen VOC concentration build-up, the following installation procedures should be followed as much as practical for interior finishing and construction materials:

(1) Acquire representative samples of prospective finishing materials. Compare the odors from samples after leaving them in an air-tight container.

(2) Review material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for materials that vendors may use when installing finishing materials, especially adhesives or solvents.

(3) Require vendors to store unpackaged finishing materials in a ventilated warehouse. This is particularly important for items such as new carpets or new partitions.

(4) Require finishing materials to be installed while providing maximum outdoor air ventilation. Restrict the quantities of adhesives and solvents used during installation to that which is essential. Avoid the use of toxic or carcinogenic chemicals.

Contaminants from stationary local sources within the building should be controlled by collection and removal as close to the source as practical (e.g., copy machines, blueprint machines...).

All new copy rooms should be exhausted to the outside and be kept negative with respect to the surrounding areas.

Newly constructed buildings, especially trailers, should be ventilated at the highest practical rate for one to two days before occupancy. This will reduce the initial contaminant concentrations which are commonly released from new synthetic construction materials and uncured adhesives. Operation of the ventilation system without a night-time shut-down cycle will further reduce the initial VOC contaminant concentrations during early occupancy (1-2 months).

Building "Bake-out" (where newly constructed buildings prior to occupancy are conditioned with high air temperatures and high air flow ventilation to accelerate the release of VOCs) is generally not recommended except under very controlled circumstances to avoid damaging building materials and contents.


Microbial Contamination

Microbial contamination in buildings is often a function of moisture incursion from sources such as stagnant water in HVAC air distribution systems and cooling towers.

All ventilation systems should be designed so that there is no standing water.

Air-handling unit condensation pans shall be designed for self-drainage to preclude the buildup of microbial slime. The use of biocides in condensation pans is generally not recommended.

Provision shall be made for periodic in-situ cleaning of cooling coils and condensation pans.

Air-handling and fan coil units should be easily accessible for inspection and preventative maintenance.

Steam is preferred as a moisture source for humidifiers, but care should be exercised to avoid contamination from boiling water or steam supply additives. If cold water humidifiers are specified, the water shall originate from a potable source, and, if recirculated, the system will require frequent maintenance and blow-down.

Care should be exercised to avoid particulate contamination due to evaporation of spray water. If standing water is used in conjunction with water spray in HVAC air distribution systems, it should be treated to avoid microbial buildup.

Relative humidity in habitable spaces should be maintained between 30% and 60% relative humidity to minimize the growth of allergenic or pathogenic organisms.

If the relative humidity in occupied spaces and low velocity ducts and plenums exceeds 70%, fungal contamination (i.e., molds, mildew, and other fungi) can occur.

Special care should be taken to avoid entrainment of moisture drift from cooling towers into the makeup air and building vents.



APPENDIX L - Sample Preventive Maintenance Schedule for HVAC Equipment




• Check fan operation for excessive noise, vibration belt tightness and temperature.


• Lubricate fan bearings

• Check and tighten all set screws and loose bolts.


• Motor lubrication instructions are listed on nameplate.

NOTE: Some motors have sealed bearings which do not require lubrication.



• Check belt tension and alignment.

• Check set screws and bolt for tightness.

• Check for exccessive noise, vibration and temperature.

• Lubricate fan bearings


• Check motor nameplate for lubrication requirements. Clean fan scroll, if needed.



• Check for excessive noise, vibration and temperature.


• Bearings should be checked to be sure all set screws and bolts are tight.

• Check v-belts for wear, and belt tightness.

• Check seismic snubbers and spring isolators to see if they are grounded out. Check at 60 to 80% fan speed. Fan flex connections should not be strained.

• Clean condensate drain pans and drains.

• Clean outside air screens, dampers, damper motors and linkage. Lubricate as needed.

• Check, replace filters as prescribed by particular manufacturer, or when the total pressure drop through the prefilters and filters exceeds 1.5 inches water gauge.


• Grease bearings as required with the proper grease.

• Inspect operation of motor starters and wiring.

• Check amperage and voltage to motors and compare with name plate rating.


• Grease motors as required.

• Check v-belt alignment, proper belt tension, belt wear and dirt.

• Check motor and fan sheaves for proper alignment, replace v-belts if worn.

• Check and clean fans and scrolls.

• Check heating and cooling coils for dirt, clean as required.



• Check motors.

• Check filters.



• Check filter, change or replace.

• Lubricate and clean motor.



• Check filter manometers for pressure drop across filter bank. Change filters when the pressure drop is twice the pressure drop of new filters.



• Check calibration on manometers.



• Clean and check for free operation.

• Lubricate bearings if required.



• Inspect linkage and freedom of operation.



• Inspect, clean with wiping cloth, and lubricate bearings with WD-40.


Proper testing and balancing should be conducted to ensure that HVAC systems meet design, comfort and health requirements, as well as save on energy consumption. The building should be balanced by a professional technician to design specifications as called out in the mechanical systems as built drawings. No changes should be made without the proper test equipment to measure changes. Air and water test and balance reports should be supplied with the building manual and contain all of the final balanced readings.