1. How might a child be exposed to phthalate esters?
Maternal tranquilizers, nonfat dry milk, eating prunes, chewing plastic toys

2. Because of blood-testes barrier, only a few types of chemicals interfere with the male reproductive system? T/F

3. Dr. Kelsey was originally concerned about thalidomide because it behaved differently in animals than humans: Thalidomide
was not a sedative in animals
led to animal tumors
caused hair loss in rats
caused hair loss in mice.

4. (3 points) The thalidomide tragedy showed the limits of animal models as tests of the potential teratogenic effects of drugs. Explain (short essay, less than one paragraph.)


5. DES mothers have ________ risk of breast cancer, according to one study.
(About 30% higher, about 30% lower, about the same, much less.

6. Asbestosis is not cancer. T/F

7. Mesothelioma is a DES induced cancer of the testes. T/F

8. The term pneumoconiosis is, strictly speaking, limited to silica and asbestos.