Text of Electronic Quiz. 15 points total.


1. The phrase "environmental justice" is the standard defense of PRPs who hire a lawyer.

2. Some the costs to be considered in risk management decisions are:

a) Initial costs of remediation,

b) Operations and maintenance costs,

c) Administrative costs of supervision,

d) Costs of more analysis and ongoing monitoring.

1. a,b, and d
2. a,c, and d,
3. a, b, c, but not d
4. a, b, c, and d.

3. The 1996 NRC document Understanding Risk - Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society proposed tightening security for risk assessors to reduce interference from the public.

4. (6 points) Why is the public less concerned about a 5 gallons gasoline can in their basement that releases benzene into their home, then nearby refinery that releases benzene into the neighborhood "once in a while." Give four reasons based on Sandman's papers.

5. What is the form of mercury that is present in "mercury contaminated" fish and is most harmful to humans?
Elemental mercury; mercurous ion; methyl mercury; small amounts of mercury are good for you.

6. The electric power industry believes that the cycling of mercury through the environment is relatively simple and we are wasting time studying it. T/F

7. The study of Pirate reference a species and effect that was studied in the lab. Whidfh

Birds/ premature molting
Ducks/ egg production
Fish / egg production
Turtles / shell thickness

8. What is the occupation exposure limit to ionizing radiation, whole body per year?
5 REMs
5 Sieverts
5 milliREMS

9 A one time exposure to 500 REMs is considered safe by many. T/F

10. All MSDS are reviewed by OSHA and are therefore good sources of data about chemicals. T/F