
Now you will expand the Ghost Road example by assuming: there were significant amounts of PCP found in the water and there is a pipeline boom on and the old Gooder School will be reopened next year. Below is the expanded SCEM with blanks and numbers, "#". If this were a paper homework, you could just fill in the blanks where there is a "#." In order to do this electronically, I have set up a quiz, as per usual, but it is matching quiz. It has three groups of questions that are just the # of the blanks, and letter answer choices. I tried to structure it so that there is only one right answer for each number. I suggest you open the homework page which will suggest and limit your choices.

First the increment from the contaminated lake water, remember the water is being used for irrigation. For simplicity, assume that dermal contact with dust from the secondary source and incidental ingestion of that dust only occurs near the secondary source. This may be a good assumption if most of the contaminated dust at distance sites comes from the primary source.

Now here is the increment to the SCEM on the preceding page that show the effect of the re-opening of the school. [# 12 and #13 are missing from the sequence.]


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